We frequently see clubs formed that intend to keep
All members equal
Financial participants. On the surface, this seems like a worthwhile objective. The bookkeeping is simpler than NAIC\'s recommended Valuation
Unit System , and everyone has an equal say in the operation of the club.
Are, however, some drawbacks that may not be evident at
First , but which become serious as the club matures.
Some members pay late. Is it fair to members who always pay on time to allow others the use of their money for an additional month or more, and still
Grant them an equal
share in the club? If you use Valuation Units, the number of units purchased depends on the
Value of a
Unit at the time the payment is received. If a member pays late, and your portfolio\'s valuation has increased since the last meeting, that money will buy fewer units than money invested on time at the previous meeting.
Financial emergencies do occur. If a member needs money for an unexpected emergency or
Special need, how does the club accommodate a partial withdrawal and still keep that member an equal partner? It can\'t be done. Does the club insist that they withdraw completely, even if they happen to be one of the key members?
Some members want to increase the monthly payment. What if others can\'t or won\'t? Does the club insist that those who can\'t increase their payments withdraw, even if they
Are some of the more active members? The Valuation
Unit System accommodates unequal monthly payments.
Everyone should have an equal vote. Many clubs have partnership agreements that specify weighted voting based on the number of units owned, but in practice they use one vote per member. A member who disputes a result still has the option of requesting a weighted vote.
New members can\'t afford to join. As the club continues to grow, it becomes harder to find
New members who can buy an equal
share . Is it likely that a
New member will be willing to make an initial
Investment of $20,000, $50,000, or more?
In summary, maintaining \"equality\" is not necessarily fair to the more conscientious members. Equal
share accounting has the potential to limit growth and can threaten the continued existence of a club. In the
Long run, the disadvantages outweigh the perceived advantages.
The sooner an \"equal shares\" club switches to the Valuation Units
System , the easier it is to make the transition. The NAIC Club Accounting software program provides a standardized solution, making Valuation
Unit accounting relatively painless.
Herb Barnett recently retired (again) after serving for 12 years as a director and former chairman of the BetterInvesting Computer
Group Advisory
Board . In his former
Life he was a
Professional photographer, specializing in photography for museums and historic sites
Nationwide . He co-founded and has been treasurer of two clubs, one nearly 20 years old, and the other 13 years old. Herb has taught club accounting classes for many years.