Date: = 09/10/2007 ||  7UP = 44.81 ||  ABCTRANS = 2.89 ||  ACADEMY = 5.5 ||  ACCESS = 21.5 ||  ADSWITCH = 3.46 ||  AFPRINT = 2.75 ||  AFRIBANK = 30.49 ||  AFROIL = 5.76 ||  AFRPAINTS = 1.01 ||  AGLEVENT = 3.13 ||  AIICO = 3.22 ||  AIRSERVICE = 18.5 ||  ALEX = 2.56 ||  ALUMACO = 2.65 ||  AP = 79.8 ||  ARBICO = 2.5 ||  ASHAKACEM = 50.5 ||  AVONCROWN = 4.23 ||  BAICO = 2.42 ||  BCC = 43.5 ||  BCN = 0.9 ||  BERGER = 7.02 ||  BETAGLAS = 16.5 ||  BOCGAS = 7.91 ||  CADBURY = 32.7 ||  CAP = 43.35 ||  CAPALBETO = 37.27 ||  CAPOIL = 0.81 ||  CCNN = 17.5 ||  CHELLARAM = 4.35 ||  CHEVRON = 145 ||  CILEASING = 5 ||  CONOIL = 53 ||  CONTINSURE = 3.04 ||  CORNERST = 3.52 ||  COSTAIN = 20 ||  CRUSADER = 4.28 ||  CUSTODYINS = 3.16 ||  CUTIX = 21 ||  DANGSUGAR = 35.5 ||  DIAMONDBNK = 17.15 ||  DNMEYER = 8.7 ||  DUNLOP = 2.99 ||  ECOBANK = 8.88 ||  EKOCORP = 7.49 ||  ELLAHLAKES = 2.92 ||  EPICDYNAM = 0.38 ||  EQUITYASUR = 1.79 ||  ETERNAOIL = 17 ||  ETI = 173.25 ||  EVANSMED = 7.25 ||  FCMB = 17.45 ||  FIDELITYBK = 11.99 ||  FIRSTALUM = 2.02 ||  FIRSTBANK = 40.5 ||  FIRSTINLND = 10.6 ||  FLOURMILL = 77.99 ||  FOOTWEAR = 2.26 ||  GLAXOSMITH = 17.11 ||  GNI = 3.8 ||  GUARANTY = 29 ||  GUINEAINS = 1.94 ||  GUINNESS = 126 ||  IBTC = 14.3 ||  IKEJAHOTEL = 7.14 ||  INTENEGINS = 2.44 ||  INTERCONT = 26 ||  INTERLINK = 1.8 ||  IPWA = 3.4 ||  JAPAULOIL = 6.02 ||  JBERGER = 57.29 ||  JOHNHOLT = 3.8 ||  JULI = 0.68 ||  LASACO = 2.89 ||  LAWUNION = 3.17 ||  LINKASSURE = 2.55 ||  LIVESTOCK = 2.99 ||  LONGMAN = 13 ||  MAYBAKER = 10.89 ||  MBENEFIT = 3.1 ||  MOBIL = 158.98 ||  NAHCO = 22.81 ||  NAMPAK = 8.37 ||  NASCON = 16.9 ||  NB = 43.6 ||  NBC = 54.5 ||  NCR = 4.2 ||  NEIMETH = 3.67 ||  NEM = 2.84 ||  NESTLE = 210 ||  NIG-GERMAN = 16.7 ||  NIGERINS = 4 ||  NIWICABLE = 3.3 ||  OANDO = 76.5 ||  OASISINS = 2.02 ||  OCEANIC = 33 ||  OKITIPUPA = 1.95 ||  OKOMUOIL = 27 ||  PHARMDEKO = 5.15 ||  PLATINUM = 30.27 ||  PREMPAINTS = 1.11 ||  PRESCO = 9.5 ||  PRESTIGE = 6.3 ||  PZ = 23 ||  RAKUNITY = 0.31 ||  ROYALEX = 3.89 ||  RTBRISCOE = 27.99 ||  SCOA = 2.59 ||  SKYEBANK = 14.6 ||  SOVRENINS = 3 ||  STACO = 2.57 ||  STDINSURE = 3.87 ||  STERLNBANK = 7.55 ||  THOMASWY = 3.6 ||  TOTAL = 153 ||  TOURIST = 2.81 ||  TRANSCORP = 4 ||  TRANSEXPR = 0.78 ||  TRIPPLEG = 5.2 ||  UAC-PROP = 22 ||  UACN = 38.63 ||  UBA = 53.08 ||  UBN = 42.91 ||  UNHOMES = 6 ||  UNIC = 3.15 ||  UNILEVER = 17.01 ||  UNIONDICON = 8.56 ||  UNITYBNK = 5.8 ||  UNTL = 2.8 || 
Date Posted: 12-10-2007 06:11:28
Director-General, Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), Mrs Irene Chigbue, has said to achieve the desired economic growth rate, Nigeria needs to invest about $18 billion annually on New infrastructure.

Chigbue stated this in New York recently, in a Paper entitled “Rebuilding Infrastruc-ture in Nigeria ,” at THIS-DAY’s “Nigeria Meets the World Summit.”

She said given the dire need for massive Investment in infrastructure, Government has embarked on extensive infrastructure sectoral reforms and institution of legal/regulatory and administrative frameworks conducive to Policy Support Instrument for both existing facilities and New Investments .

According to her, the strategy for enhanced infrastructure Development in Nigeria presents enormous Investment opportunities for would be Investors . He added that the Investment friendly initiatives put in place by Government include that: “foreigners can own 100 per cent of Investment ; guarantee against expropriation of Investments ; repatriation of profits guaranteed by Law; generous tax incentives; one of the highest Return on Invest-ment (ROI) in the world; huge Local market (population of 140million); Access to the West African sub-regional market; and cheap but skilled labour.

With past efforts to improve infrastructure like commercialisation and Management contracts having metwith Limited success due to policy inconsistencies and uneconomic tariff regime, the BPE boss said thatgovernment had to embrace reform and privatisation ofinfrastructure.The General features of the New policy include:“Adoption of deregulation and liberalisationpolicies;Enactment of investor friendly legalframeworks; Restructuring and unbundling of statemonopolies; Establishment of independent regulators;Redefinition of roles of All stakeholders; and Cedingof Commercial operations to private Investors .Chigbue noted that the Privatisation Act of 1999 andthe Infrastructure Regulatory Commission Act (IRCA)2005 Are giving verve to the restructuring andconcession programme. She added that the PrivatizationAct provides for privatization of existinginfrastructure, viz, airports, seaports, NITEL,electric Power among others.According to her, “the National council onPrivatization (NCP) has flexibility under the Act todetermine mode of privatization ranging from strategiccore investor Sales , concession, Management contract,etc. Thus far, NCP has used mostly concession forseaports and airports.”The BPE Director General explained that theInfrastructure Regulatory Commission Act (IRCA) dealswith New infrastructure Development and provides for participation of private Sector indevelopment of infrastructure.According to Chigbue, the IRCA also authorizesgovernment Agencies /ministries involved in financing,construction, operation and maintenance ofinfrastructure to enter into contract/grant concessionwith private entity operator. It also establishes anInfrastructure Concession and Regulatory Commission(ICRC) to make ground rules and regulations for PPPinitiatives and establishes a Board and Fund for ICRC.
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